Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rehoboth Beach Day

Audrey is vacationing this week and today was awesome! A and Mama went to the Rehoboth Library and learned all about LIONS...roar and we played the Lion Pokey...silly.  Audrey was a bit distracted by the library's collection of American Girl dolls.  We then met Dada - he was running around town - and hit the beach all day.  Audrey was interested in the waves but the sand and seagulls were her faves.

Beach baby nap time!

Who need french fries when there is a beach chair to chomp on?

Monday, July 25, 2011

She's a dynamo!!

Feeling sassy in the floppy hat!

Trying out her hula skirt!!!

Audrey's photo shoot pre-view! 

And daddy thought I would hate this...ha ha!
Audrey's mobility has accelerated and that means that we've been having a blast keeping up with our princesa.  So many pictures are now just a blur with a shape of Audrey flashing past.  With Audrey almost to the walking stage, my grandpa's famous quote "somebody better nail her shoes to the floor" comes to mind several times a day...oh yes & thunder thighs are appearing on our little girl.  Can I say it again - we are having TOO much fun.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jumpin June

Audrey had so many adventures in June.  She went to a bat mitzvah and a baby shower, celebrated her mama's 32nd birthday, said goodbye to Great Grandpa Hummel, visited family, swam and swam some more, went on play dates, and finished the month back at the beach. Audrey's first tooth also emerged on June 17th ~ 10 months old. 

Oh what a month!

Tears in one eye and smiles in the other

Measure your life, measure your life in love ~ Rent

 The Hummel family farm.

Audrey swimming and spending time with Great Grandma Hummel after Grandpa Hummel's memorial services.