Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter weekend 2013

Audrey enjoyed a long weekend to recover from her first injury, a sprained shoulder. On Thursday she picked up Aunt Jenny for a trip to Chic Fil A. A two and a half hr trip with lots one armed playground fun and an ice cream cone. Audrey spent lots of time playing with "joe joe the do do" and Aunt Jenny and visiting with Gamma and Gampa. She also got to know Joe's parents, Ms. Sharon and Papa John. Audrey took a trip to "the Gardens" and made the most of a beautiful weekend day, and helping Joe keep up w his cardio training. On Easter Audrey had a jelly bean trail to follow but she thought at first it was "puppy dog" food. She enjoyed opening her presents from her grandparents and "the bunny rabbit." She was in love with her outfit, the stockings and small sleeves had her attention. We took everyone to Terrain at Styers for brunch, and ended the day with an egg hunt. It was a wonderful weekend full of good times. Audrey's mom appreciates all of the Audrey time everyone gave her to rest.